
感恩我所擁有的一切 :)

謝詞 (中文/Chinese/Chino)

台灣,是jMGEM program旅程的第二階段。近四個月的時光宛如幾年似的,總算因論文的完成而畫下了圓滿的句點。在這段跌跌撞撞、反覆尋求解答的研究旅程中,首先感謝熊震寰教授的悉心指導,每當寫作不順或感到徬徨時,總是不吝惜給予我寶貴的建議與鼓勵;並對論文提出意見與指正,讓我真正學習到獨立思考、解決問題的能力,同時也使得這份論文更趨完整。在這四個月的學習旅程中,也衷心感謝李天行教授、許培基教授、楊百川教授在必修科目的細心與耐心指導,甚至在寫論文的過程遇到瓶頸時,也給予專業的建議,老師不辭辛勞的諄諄教誨,特此感激。同時在這期間,對於曾經提供許多幫助,以及成就此篇論文文獻資料的專家學者,在此亦致上最深切的謝意。

許多美好的回憶就像幻燈片般歷歷在目,不管是與jMGEM的大家一起討論case study,互相幫忙想著如何應用在business plan中,甚至一起在研究室裡奮力與論文搏鬥。在這充實且忙碌的研究所生涯中,要謝謝一直互相扶持的同學們,感謝你們對我的鼓勵,予我學業及生活上的協助,使我熬過艱苦且難忘的日子。謝謝系上安排許多企業參訪,以及至中國大陸參訪九天,在此除了謝謝周宇超主任之外,也謝謝謝邦昌教授的全程帶領與陪伴,還有Adela祕書為這jMGEM program每天不停的忙碌及努力付出,細心提醒大家該注意與準備的事情。




陳筱涵 謹誌于輔大國際創業與經營管理系所

Acknowledgement (英文/English/Inglés)

Taiwan is the second stage of the jMGEM program journey. Nearly four months of the time like a few years, finally due to the completion of the business plan to have a happy conclusion. During this stumble and repeatedly sought for answer of the research journey, first of all, I’d like to thank Professor Ed Jen-Huarn Shyurng whose devotion in the guidance to me. When I was confused about the question or hesitated which way to go, he always gave me valuable suggestions and encouragement; also gave me comments and corrections to help me to complete the business plan. From that I not only really learn to think independently and get the ability to solve problems but also make the paper more complete. In this four-month journey of learning, I also like to thank Professor Michael T.S. Lee, Professor Pei-Gi Shu, Professor Bai-Chuan Yang who gave us compulsory subject’s lessons with carefully and patiently guide, even in the process of writing papers I encountered a problem, and they also gave me professional advices. I am grateful hereby for professors’ inculcation and earnest teachings. During this same time, who had offered a lot and those experts and scholars whose achievements and documentation which mentioned by this paper, I felt an immense gratitude.

Lots of wonderful memories as vividly as the slide, whether discussed the case study with all you jMGEM guys, we helped each other to think about how to apply it into the business plan, even we together struggled with the business plan in the study room. In this substantial and busy research career, I would like to thank the classmates who have mutual support, thank you guys for the encouragement to my studies to let me through the difficult but memorable days. Thank our college arranged many companies visiting, including the nine-day trip to mainland China, hereby in addition to thank Director Yu-Chao Chou, but also thank Professor Ben-Chang Shia who led and accompanied us during the whole trip. Also thank Adela, our secretary of jMGEM program, for the daily non-stop busy and hard work, careful to remind us the things which should take care and be prepared.

Thanks to those few people who feel that I do not have business management background, and think that less than four months which in such a short time is impossible for me to complete. But because of this reason I do not bow to yield, instead more efforts and determination to complete. Even if the start is completely from zero, but compare to others, I got incomparable harvest in the end. With the major Spanish and Applied Art undergraduate background until now study about the business management in the graduate school, with these abilities in the same time, I think I am in a state of bliss. Thanks to those most people who have been supported me; they think there is no anything can beat me, with the cheer from all you guys, with warmth and greetings continuously, even how difficult it will be I will have the determination to carry on and to overcome all the obstacles to success because of your concern. Give thank to Wen-Tsz, Yi-Tsz, Yi-Hsuan, Sheng-Lun, Chia-Ming, Yi-Hung, Yu-Hsin and many friends accompany and support me during the paper writing, all you guys just as powerful aid group released an endless stream of happy atmosphere and laughter around my side. Therefore, I'm always full of courage and energy to face various challenges that lie ahead. Thank you my friends Wei-Ting, Yi-Shiuan who come from Applied Art Department and Leticia, Esperanza, Noemí, Alegría and other good friends who also from the Spanish Hispanic Language and Culture Department, thank you always cheer me and also I am grateful for everyone’s concern from MSN.

Because of the business plan, I understand the reason “Where there’s a will, there's a way”, and I also found a better self. Finally I completed the master’s thesis, though feel tired, extremely excited. Nearly four months I spent all weekends and holidays, worked non-stop every day, I need to thank too many people, so I would like to dedicate this essay to all the people beside me, thank you for the help and care, hereby give my tribute.

Finally, appreciate my dearest family, constantly give me the full support and encouragement at this stage of my school life, also give the full trust and praise from time to time to let me know that I have endless possibilities so that I can complete wholeheartedly into studies without any distractions. Along the way, I have to thank many people who helped me, I think even a thousand words cannot express my gratitude to you, just dedicate this thesis to all those who care about me, hereby I must offer my heartfelt thanks to you, also would like to share this joy with you!!

Anabella Hsiao-Han Chen,
at the Department of Global Entrepreneurial Management and Business Administration of Fu Jen University in April 2010.

Agradecimiento (西班牙文/Spanish/Español)

Taiwán, la segunda etapa del programa de jMGEM. Después de emplear casi cuatro meses en esta investigación tan ardua, la tesis es como un fruto final de mi estancia en esta tierra. Por tanto, quisiera aprovechar a esta ocasión para dar mi agradecimiento más sincero a todos. Ante todo me gustaría manifestar la gratitud al Profesor Ed Jen-Huarn Shyurng, por su gran paciencia y apoyo, sus sugerencias y orientaciones valiosas, con las cuales este trabajo ha sido más completo. Al mismo tiempo, ha fortalecido mi capacidad de pensar independientemente y de resolver los problemas. También quisiera agadecer al Profesor Michael T.S. Lee, Profesor Pei-Gi Shu y al Profesor Bai-Chuan Yang por sus dedicaciones inagotables en los cursos requisitos y las opiniones provechosos para esta tesis. Además, quisiera dar la gratitud más profunda a los expertos que me han ayudado y que me han ofrecido muchas informaciones útiles.

Tanto discutir case study para pensar cómo aplicarlo en business plan, como luchar contra la tesis en nuestro laboratorio, los momentos que pasamos juntos fueron inolvidables. Gracias a mis compañeros, gracias por vuestra ayuda de los estudios y de la vida cotidiana en estos días tan ocupados de maestría.

De la misma manera, quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento a nuestro departamento por haber organizado tantas visitas empresarias y la visita a China continental. Agradezco al director Yu-Chao Chou y al Profesor Ben-Chang Shia, que nos lideró y acompañó durante todo el viaje. Asimismo, gracias a la secretaria, Adela, por su gran contribución al programa de jMGEM.

A continuación, cuando estudié en la Universidad, mis especialidades eran español y arte aplicada, así que comecé casi desde cero. Muchas gracias a las personas que no me vieron con buenos ojos por mi formación académica, sobre todo, tuve menos de cuatro meses. Por ello, he mostrado la determinación de realizar este trabajo en vez de rendirme. Ahora, puedo decir que mi carrera de Máster es de negocios y gerencia. Soy capaz de hacer más cosas, y soy muy feliz. Gracias a los amigos que siempre me animan a adelantar y que están a mi lado en todo momento. Wen-Tsz, Yi-Tsz, Yi-Hsuan, Sheng-Lun, Chia-Ming, Yi-Hung, Yu-Hsin, gracias por vuestro gran apoyo y compañía durante el periodo de redactar mi tesis, me da mucha fuerza vuestro cariño, por tanto siempre puedo sobrepasar las dificultades. Gracias a Wei-Ting e Yi-Shiuan, del Departamento de Arte Aplicada de FJU, y a Leticia, Esperanza, Noemí, Alegría y los demás del Departamento de Lenguas y Culturas Hispánicas de FJU.

Debido a la realización de esa tesis, comprendo la idea de “querer es poder”, y también he conocido a mí misma mejor. Finalmente la he terminado, aunque estoy cansada, me siento entusiasmada.

Por último, quiero dar miles gracias a mi querida familia, por la confianza y los ánimos persistentes, siempre me apoyan con todas sus fuerzas y me elogian para que crea en mí misma. Tengo que agradecer a mucha gente que me ha ayudado, sin vuestra ayuda, no podría haber acabado este trabajo. Además de expresar mi agradecimiento, también quiero compartir con vosotros esa gran alegría.

Anabella Hsiao-Han Chen,
en el Departmento de Gestión de Global Entrepreneuial y Administración de Negocios de la Universidad Fu Jen, abril de 2010.
(Muchas gracias a Leti por ayudarme a traducirlo~)


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